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Canford Heath Remembers 2024

Amount Raised This Year - £930

Once again, ARCH has put up Lamp Post Poppies along the main roads on Canford Heath to remember our heroes and to raise money for the Royal British Legion.  For a £5 donation to sponsor a poppy you could remember your hero who took part in WW1, WW2, or any other conflict.

To coincide with the display of lamppost poppies Ronnie Barker (Ceremonial Officer at the Broadstone Branch of the Royal British Legion) gave a talk at Canford Heath Library on Tuesday the 29th of October.

This interesting event included information about the pilots from World War One and Two whose names are used as road names on Canford Heath. Residents also had a chance to see images of many of them, Also, there was an opportunity to purchase one of the knitted poppies that were kindly produced and donated by groups and individuals on Canford Heath.

In addition, on November 4th the Mayor of Poole Cllr Pete Miles came to view the Lamp post poppies and the displays  in the Library.

We are very pleased and proud to announce that this year we raised a fantastic £930.00 for the Royal British Legion from the Lamp Post Poppy Sponsorship and selling Knitted Poppies in the Library and at Nicholas O’Hara Funeral Care.

We would like to thank everyone who sponsored a Lamp Post Poppy or bought a knitted or crocheted poppy.
ARCH would especially like to thank Lewmott -ICS Industrial Cladding Services and also to Dexter Sports FC C.I.C who each sponsored 20 Poppies.  Dexter Sports FC C.I.C ran a treasurehunt type competition to encourage their families to walk round and collect the letters to form a word from the Dexters Poppies.   We hope that all who took part enjoyed it.
A huge THANK YOU to all our Volunteers, who helped to put up the Poppies (and are taking them down), to all our Knitters and Crocheters for making some beautiful Poppies, and to The Hub on the Heath and Nicholas O’Hara Funeral Care for being our drop off points.  Thank you also to The Pilot and to BH17 Club for selling lamp post poppies to their customers. 
Last but not least thank you to the Canford Heath Library for hosting our Knitted Poppy display, taking in the money and for helping with the display.  We could not have done it without you all.

The Pilots behind the road names

Many of the roads on Canford Heath were named after WW2 Pilots. This tradition was carried on when Cornelia Gardens was built in 2014 but this time WW1 Pilots honoured keeping with this theme.  ARCH has recently installed some art boards around the heath including one on the History of Canford Heath as a housing development with a focus on the Pilots.   The Pilots behind the road names had never been researched in this way before and therefore took a great deal of time to ensure that as many as possible were included. ARCH is very grateful for the additional help with this from the RAF museum and to Maria Burns who was the artist and historian commissioned by ARCH to produce the boards.

However, recently a further 4 names have been identified these are Air Commodore Peter Cribb (Pathfinder Master Bomber), Lieutenant Commander R. M. Samples (Mac) (took part in the World War Two Chanel Dash), Lieutenant Commander Eugene Kingsmill Esmonde (awarded the Victoria Cross and the Distinguished Service Order) and Group Captain Colin Falkland Gray (Awarded the Distinguished Flying cross & Two Bars). Our thanks to Canford Heath Past and Present Facebook page  for this additional information.