Residents’ Meeting – 2pm 18th February
Canford Heath Library on the 18th February at 2pm.
The next ARCH (Association of Residents of Canford Heath) meeting will include a talk by Terry Elborne about the House Martins and the new House Martin tower that’s recently been installed on the Heath .
Our residents’ meetings have evolved. We have replaced our formal bimonthly residents’ meetings with an informal drop in coffee and chat session. Why not come and join us for free coffee/tea and biscuits. All residents welcome.
The event is FREE and is funded by ARCH as an opportunity for residents to get together, so we would love your support. If you have any concerns about our community or ideas or want to get more involved or just want a chance to chat over a cup of tea and biscuits, we would love to see you at Canford Heath Library.
For further details email:
As well as this event the library also hosts a range of other activities. Click here to take a look.